Remy Lee - Niftic
Remy Lee

Remy Lee

Strategy + Design

Founding partner at Niftic, fan of the oxford comma, and recipient of the Deedee Corradini Women’s Leadership Award. With a rooted interest in nonprofits and mission-driven organizations, Remy has led strategic campaigns across the United States and Asia; layering a human-centered, and data-driven approach to marketing initiatives and development.

An expert in:

Brand strategy & positioning - to speak to audiences from a place of clarity & honesty.

A beginner at:

A beginner at: Speaking Mandarin. 我的普通话还不太好

Local L.A. recommendation:

If you find yourself near Downtown LA, stop by Holbox for the best ceviche out there.

What book have you most gifted to others?

Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. It’s a book that has helped me as a natural introvert and people-pleaser advocate better for my team, clients, and projects.

What’s your favorite tool for self-education?

YouTube - I’ve learned everything from financial modeling to surfing. There’s always someone you can learn something interesting from.

What’s the part of your morning routine you’ll never skip?


Remy’s Insights

Let’s turn your customers into fans.