Our Purpose - Niftic

Strategic thinking, magnetic design, and digital expertise to bring more positive interactions into the world.

Creating pivotal moments starts with a sound strategy.

A hunger to do good; for people & the planet.

Be Unordinary

Innovation comes from ongoing curiosity and creativity; not one-time contributions. We experiment, provoke new ideas, and work outside boxes.

Make the World a Bit More Wonderful

Like a global impact pit crew. We amplify meaningful work, actively seek out ways to build community, and focus on ideas to leave the world a little better than how we found it.

Keep Inspiring People

Don’t settle for the first, easy solution. We look for opportunities for continuous improvement; producing work that uplifts our team, clients, and partners.

Lead Courageously

We lead with expertise, intentionality, accessibility, and humility. Our ownership mentality means we go the extra mile, are steadfast in our core values, and know trust is earned with integrity.

We work with clients & partners creating real change and inspiring action & impact in the world.

Let’s turn your customers into fans.